Tuesday 8 September 2015


Monday 17th August, 2015, Abdi Barre Mohamed Alias Feisal left their Bulla Mpya home at around 12:30 to respond to a friends call before having his 1 PM lunch done by his Mother only to be picked by unknown men who drived him undisclosed location.
He was later found dead at dead at Neboi area over 4 KM from their Bulla Mpya home on 4th September, 2015.
Could he be part of the growing list of extra judicial killings in the country done by the elite squad that are enforcing Israel's preemptive neutralization?
Mortuary admission analysis done by a doctor at the county referral hospital indicate similar torture method that can be matched with the body earlier discovered that has decomposed.
''This body looks fresh compared to the earlier one the police brought'' Said the doctor. Am convinced similar modus operandi exist in both the homicide added the doctor

This blog received the result of the analysis and can independently say torture method do really match
Analysis of the doctors   
1) The neck had the rope that was used to strangle the victim when the body was brought to the morgue.
This matches with the disc space of the cervical vertebrae that was in the earlier body hence chances of same human predators.

2) The ridges of the fingers were burnt completely- The phalanges bones of the earlier skeleton too indicated burning. Looks the same torture method applied

3) The skin of the face, the muscles around the clavicles and the bicep muscles had burning most probably acid. Acids are used for incineration. In the earlier Skeleton, five litre jerrycan containing acid was at the scene where the body was found.

4) The clavicle bone was broken chances that he was hit with a hard solid. Clavicle is supported by two bones hence breaking it needs a huge force. The earlier body has ribs bones fractured.
5) Most parts of the body had haematomes. This are swellings that contain blood as a result of beatings. This clearly shows use of excessive forces

6) The skin was peeling off- this only happens when the death was caused by torture using water. As can be seen from the picture, the skin of the upper limb peeled. The death here can be said was caused by both torture using water and strangling

7) The scrotal sac was full of liquid and even bursted hours after the body was brought to the mortuary. Indication that both the two testes were squized and raptured.

The analysis above completely shows a homicide characteristic that have a similar modus with the earlier body

Who is the predator of human ? Who does a perfect crime? Why is the government not investigating if it is not involved?
Under the international law if the government fails to investigate enforced disappearances then it is deemed that the state is the perpetrator.


Tomorrow night
an expose' on the financial misappropriation with complete documents. As they do the hajj lets do ''Peeling off the layers of corruption''
Asking about which county? Wait for it, it is definately a county in North Eastern .  

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