Wednesday, 8 February 2017

NYAKUNDI’s Persona and KPC’s truth

The emergency of ‘extortionism’ as a white color job has created lazy assess who only blog from a network of a stolen passwords of neighbors. These lot abuse and do all manner stories to blackmail their victims. Nyakundi is such a desperate graduate who is another victims of unemployment making a life via online thieving.

Here is a documentation of institutions and celebrities that he tried to con in vain

Nyakundi Vs Larry Mododwo
After larry Modowo shared the BIDCO clip where Nyakundi was asking for money to kill a story that he covered on his blog, Nyakundi saw that he will lose his blog folowers and the only thing he could do was to threaten to take Larry of NTV-Kenya to court.

Read this link;

Nyakundi Vs Victoria Rubadiri
Vulgarism is the basis of extortion on celebrity women that bloggers do. In a desperate attempt to guide their achieved status the celebrity is then forced to bribe the blogger to delete the content. This happened to many celebrities. A syndicate headed by Nyakundi oversee this vice. On this particular case, Vicky as she is popularly known decided to give a blackout to the team of extortionist.
In an attempt to force the news anchor into submission, Nyakundi shares the same content on a daily basis. Well, this seems not to be working. Vicky amekaa ngumu!

Read this link on his vulgarism that has failed to work on Victoria Rubadiri;

Nyakundi Vs Caroline Mutoku
Empowered women like Caroline know that sexuality is just a basic division of human race into two genders. She understands better why and how celebrity women should not fight Nyakundi like bloggers. In her weekly update video Caroline gave TWO reasons why Nyakundi needs more love on his blogs than fighting him.
In reason one she says he is in the age of growth and these drama’s is just a normal process of getting identity into the class of men. Of course the only prescription she had for this was let’s give him more time so that we assess whether he will outgrow off this drama.
In her reason number two, Nyakundi needs love and money to take care of his bills and that of his tender family. Caroline rewarded him for the abuses he made on his blog. She said this will encourage him to do more research and maybe in the process find the truth and mend his ways. She offered him a cheaque of Ksh 10,000

                                         Payment made to Nyakundi by Caroline Mutoko

The KPC stories on his blogs are just part of the many stories that Nyakundi is doing to get money and sustain the lifestyle of a blogger.

Here is the truth on KPC,

So how did this story of KPC begun?

Few months ago just when the new MD Joe Sang was posted he called for an audit into all the operations of the company to literally understand what was happening in the larger KPC. This was a call that he made with utmost honesty as most CEO and managers do fully take over the new areas of management. During this investigations period some cases of extreme ‘thuggery’ were unearthed and the MD had to take action and suspend both employees and stop most of the payments that were suspicious. This was the beginning of the involvement of the few bloggers linked to the cartels.

As usual this a cycle that most strict department undergo. Cartels busting which leads to hungry bloggers activation to smear ‘chafu’ to the strict departments. Hashtags are created and the field day for the mannerless boys begins. Taking dictations from their masters they then create all sorts of stories that may event arise Jesus if he was on social media earlier than expected. Such lads can be called prostitutes of social media or online jihadist of our time. I am pretty sure that these bloggers can even start a hashtag in favour of Alshabaab. It is a matter of time to experiment when this can happen.

Why good bloggers and Kenyans must defend this great company?

It is just too obvious that I will not defend a government company especially when it is under jubilee government but free thinking allows me to objectively analyze situations, interrogate the evidence at hand and take a personal feeling on what seems to be right. These are part of the many things that were done by the KPC board. I want object readers to find the referenced links on the footnotes on this blog to make an independent and well informed decision on which evidence to interrogate to understand the whole blogging with benefit kind of job that the cartels have created. I will also post the whole documents and recommendation by the parliament on this KPC story.

Scholarships by KPC

KPC offers a scholarship to many bright and needy students as a social responsibility towards the society. This was started long ago but it was on the verge of collapse and this was rescued by the MD after he sealed the leakages of money from the institutions. Thanks to his good decision now so many bright and needy students can comfortably remain in classes and achieve their dreams.

On uplifting other companies,

A good company will want others to go high, It is only after we lift others that we feel better placed. In the schools that teach perfect performance- DO NOT COMPETE WITH OTHERS is a motto. That is what KPC did the year that just ended (2016). They have had sponsored the companies of the year award. This was a big event that most of the companies had active representation.

Under the leadership of the MD and the board KPC has achieved a quality certification. This what I want the online jihadist (Bloggers for the cartels to research on). Obtaining a quality certificate is not just walking into a river office and walking out with a paper! It takes a  bigger process. Stage by stage certification of all the mini-departments of the institution. Please read on this and apologize on behalf of the cartels that are using you.

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