Tuesday, 3 January 2017


                                                                 MD KPC Joe Sang

In Kenya cartels will consume the good  stuff of a company milking it to dry. Well, this is a fact that we need to live with. All good things create an impact says a motivational quote I read somewhere long ago. The story of Ministries and departments that are performing being haunted is a Kenyan thing just like the corruption that is now home backed and house hold concept in Kenya.

The corruption stories, the finger pointing and all other hogwash that is has been shared across the twitter is just a form of a fight back by a cartel that was busted by the board. Of course who doesn’t know the many manner less graduates earning money via blackmail and renting from others to pay their bills on time.

Anytime you hear of a corruption story it is only good to give the source a much deeper look. I am not discrediting the many young Kenyans trained as journalist in their efforts to make Kenya great by exposing rots but the very few bloggers that are used by the cartels. Scrolling down their Facebook and Twitter timeline will just show you how they jump from one issue to the other throughout the day. Actually you will wonder when they do natural biological things like Kuenda Choo and Eating. They update minute by minutes taking dictations almost all the day to create an extortion scheme from both the side.

So how did this story of KPC started?

Few months ago just when the new MD Joe Sang was posted he called for an audit into all the operations of the company to literally understand what was happening in the larger KPC. This was a call that he made with utmost honesty as most CEO and managers do fully take over the new areas of management. During this investigations period some cases of extreme ‘thuggery’ were unearthed and the MD had to take action and suspend both employees and stop most of the payments that were suspicious. This was the beginning of the involvement of the few bloggers linked to the cartels.

As usual this a cycle that most strict department undergo. Cartels busting which leads to hungry bloggers activation to smear ‘chafu’ to the strict departments. Hashtags are created and the field day for the mannerless boys begins. Taking dictations from their masters they then create all sorts of stories that may event arise Jesus if he was on social media earlier than expected. Such lads can be called prostitutes of social media or online jihadist of our time. I am pretty sure that these bloggers can even start a hashtag in favour of Alshabaab. It is a matter of time to experiment when this can happen.

Why am I defending this great company?

It is just too obvious that I will not defend a government company especially when it is under jubilee government but free thinking allows me to objectively analyse situations, interrogate the evidence at hand and take a personal feeling on what seems to be right. These are part of the many things that were done by the KPC board. I want object readers to find the referenced links on the footnotes on this blog to make an independent and well informed decision on which evidence to interrogate to understand the whole blogging with benefit kind of job that the cartels have created. I will also post the whole documents and recommendation by the parliament on this KPC story.

KPC offers a scholarship to many bright and needy students as a social responsibility towards the society. This was started long ago but it was on the verge of collapse and this was rescued by the MD after he sealed the leakages of money from the institutions. Thanks to his good decision now so many bright and needy students can comfortably remain in classes and achieve their dreams.
Please see the KPC scholarship at the footnote[1]    

A good company will want others to go high, It is only after we lift others that we feel better placed. In the schools that teach perfect performance- DO NOT COMPETE WITH OTHERS is a motto. That is what KPC did the year that just ended (2016). They have had sponsored the companies of the year award. This was a big event that most of the companies had active representation.

Please see the KPC sponsors the company of the year award 2016[2].

Under the leadership of the MD and the board KPC has achieved a quality certification. This what I want the online jihadist (Bloggers for the cartels to research on). Obtaining a quality certificate is not just walking into a river office and walking out with a paper! It takes a  bigger process. Stage by stage certification of all the mini-departments of the institution. Please read on this and apologize on behalf of the cartels that are using you.

Please see the KPC acquires quality certification[3].

There are two popular narratives that you must read to understand the whole story. Let me leave these narratives with you as you enjoy your reading.

Narrative One:

KPC John Ngumi is being fought for protecting public funds at KPC. The investment banker is a stickler to processes and he has said the following payments will not happen under his watch: 1. The extra Kshs 10billion that Zakhem is claiming from KPC for the ongoing Mombasa-Nairobi pipeline. It is John Ngumi, his board and MD who have persistently pushed Zakhem to complete this crucial project but Zakhem is reluctant. We have info that Zakhem wants to share the loot with hyenas who have given this country a bad name. Ngumi never say die. 2. John Ngumi has also said that shs 400 million cannot be paid for JKIA valves until an investigation by EACC is over. But why has EACC been sitting on this file since 2014? Note that the first instalment for this transaction was done under the earlier regime - not the current Board and management. Bwana Ngumi no retreat no surrender. PROTECT US FROM LOOTERS. PROTECT THE PUBLIC MONEY IN KPC!


When Matiangi released KCSE this week, corruption cartels are already fighting him. When John Ngumi said KPC will not pay Zakhem International the claim of Kshs 10billion which we know is going to be shared amongst the country's most corrupt Kenyans, the smear campaign against him started. If not why is Zakhem paying Cyprian Nyakundi peanuts to spoil other people's names? 3. Why is CBK governor being fought? Because he has reigned on errant banks. SO THE MATIANGI-NGUMI-NJOROGE AXIS IS THE ONE THAT WILL DELIVER THIS COUNTRY FROM BONDAGE. PRESIDENT UHURU KENYATTA PLEASE TAKE NOTE.
Chairman Board of Directors John Ngumi Managing Director Joe Sang and General Manager Finance Samuel Odoyo deserve huge praise for turning KPC around and for resisting the cartel.